art, gallery, barcelona, cardedeu, museum, museu, museo, bag, ecology, contemporary
art, gallery, barcelona, cardedeu, museum, museu, museo, bag, ecology, contemporary

The project "The measure of a bag", 2018, by the artist Toni Giró (Barcelona, 1966) can be visited at the Capella de Sant Corneli in the Museu de Cardedeu until December 2nd.


The hours of the chapel are: (Friday from 5pm to 8pm, Saturday 11am to 2pm and 5pm to 8pm and Sunday from 11am to 2pm)



The exhibition, which also includes Albert Bayona and Aureli Ruiz, revolves around the concept of a meeting and how it has the potential to generate debate and propose transformations.


For more information visit the website: MUSEUCARDEDEU.CAT