art, contemporary, barcelona, aurora, ecology, humanity, utopia, dystopia stieg, Larsson, gino, Rubert, book, art, contemporary, gallery, barcelona art, gallery, barcelona, arte, realidad, aumentada, contemporary, market, technology art, gallery, barcelon
art, contemporary, barcelona, aurora, ecology, humanity, utopia, dystopia stieg, Larsson, gino, Rubert, book, art, contemporary, gallery, barcelona art, gallery, barcelona, arte, realidad, aumentada, contemporary, market, technology art, gallery, barcelon
art, contemporary, barcelona, aurora, ecology, humanity, utopia, dystopia stieg, Larsson, gino, Rubert, book, art, contemporary, gallery, barcelona art, gallery, barcelona, arte, realidad, aumentada, contemporary, market, technology art, gallery, barcelon

The exhibition Utopian Perspective by the artist Jordi Gispert Pi (Barcelona, 1957) is in its last days.


You can see the work of the Barcelonian artist until Monday, December 10, during the normal opening hours of the gallery from Monday to Friday from 11 am to 1:30 pm. Or arranging a special visit.


The exhibition includes works from the last years that the artist defines as an Invitation to Visual Hermeneutics.


Jordi Gispert Pi presents us with a visual language to decipher: poetic visions of a world in harmony, an existential sprout stimulated by the color palette. His precise technique reveals an ecstatic, the inner symbolism of the artist projected towards the exterior, as a connection between the micro and macro cosmos, of its own expression. The neologism Econsciencia (Ecology - Science - Consciousness) defines its conceptual proposal, not limited to aesthetics, but rather positioned in reality as an alternative to the destructive inertia of the current socio-economic system, incompatible with an environmental balance.


Hermeneutics, from the Greek "hermeneutikos", composed by

(herméneuo = I decipher) and (tekhné = art). The art of interpreting texts.


Visual Hermeneutics invites the viewer, through intimate contemplation, to surrender to the intuitive feeling of oneness, and to dilute the illusory barrier between their own being and the world.


-Emilio Flores 


click on the image for available artworks online

barcelona, art, arte, galería, gallery, existential, contemporary, gispert, jordi, koyac, wisdom, artist, artista, framed, econciencia, ecología, conciencia, utopía, distópia, utopian, distopian, greenery, sprout, investment, humanity, catalonia, studio

barcelona, art, arte, galería, gallery, existential, contemporary, gispert, jordi, koyac, wisdom, artist, artista, framed, econciencia, ecología, conciencia, utopía, distópia, utopian, distopian, greenery, sprout, investment, humanity, catalonia, studio

barcelona, art, arte, galería, gallery, existential, contemporary, gispert, jordi, koyac, wisdom, artist, artista, framed, econciencia, ecología, conciencia, utopía, distópia, utopian, distopian, greenery, sprout, investment, humanity, catalonia, studio

barcelona, art, arte, galería, gallery, existential, contemporary, gispert, jordi, koyac, wisdom, artist, artista, framed, econciencia, ecología, conciencia, utopía, distópia, utopian, distopian, greenery, sprout, investment, humanity, catalonia, studio